Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Blues

One of our last pictures before Tim left and we moved. :)

So this is me trying to get back into the swing of things. (hey look, two days in a row.. woot woot). Not too much happened around here today.. Mostly more unpacking.. Yay.. LOL We saw a friend this morning for some coffee, and that's about the most exciting part of the day! Today was kind of a boring one, but I did get a lot done.. It's a Monday blues kind of day, but you know, it's the last Monday of school! No pictures from today, but since I've haven't been around, I have loads to post. :)

Ok, so this is a chicken noodle salad thing that my friend gets from 7-11 here. Yeah, we eat 7-11 food - it's pretty tasty. Ha! Anyhoot, she brought two containers of it over here last week, I stole the second one, and I am now obsessed with this stuff. It's YUMMY!!!!

Living on base already has it's advantages. This was about a week or so ago, but I was watching a friend's daughter for her while she went to roller derby practice with the Yokosuka Sushi Rollers! The girls were playing outside, and decided to come in for popsicles, they weren't the only ones though, another friend of theirs followed in suit! Pretty soon, I had a house full of girls giggling along to whatever it was they were watching!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Well Then...

Well, who knew.. I was so determined to keep up with this, and I've totally fallen behind. We have had a lot going on in the past few months. After we got back from the States, Tim got word that HE was going back to San Diego for a school. The girls and I had planned on going with him, but due to circumstances, we were unable to go. Instead, the girls and I said goodbye to our little Japanese house, and moved on base!

That's pretty much where we are. Tim is in San Diego attending a school back there. He's had a chance to hang out with some friends and see both of our families. I really hope he gets to see more, but honestly, I'm a little jealous of everyone who's gotten to spend time with him. I miss my husband, and I just want him back home.

The girls and I are just getting everything settled in at our new house on base. We are in a townhouse, and I'm SO happy we chose to move back here. Everything is SO much more convenient - plus, we're saving SO much in just gas and tolls! LOL We are enjoying our location and our neighbors - I just need a little more time to unpack! :)

Molly enjoying her OWN room!
Last week, Kadie and I went out to Jogashima Island. Thank goodness for my amazing friends - one of them watched Molly all day for me while I went with Kadie. We basically took a nice little hike to some tidepools. The kids saw fish, crabs, and sea anemones - they were happy. Kadie was content with picking up shells to take home. LOL She was really happy that her best friend's class was there too, so she hung out with us all day. Overall, while it was hot, it ended up being a pretty awesome day.

Kadie and I on our way back to the bus.

That's it for now. I've got so much more to say, but considering I just got a carload full of more boxes to unpack, I have way too much to do already! Hopefully, I'll start keeping up with this again!
