Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Too Much, Too Fast

My Dad is coming down here for a convention this week. He thought it would be a good opportunity to bring my Mom down as well. It was.. Until about lunchtime today when Tim's cell rang and we got a call from the moving company. They need to do a walk through before we can have our pack outs started, and we haven't been able to do it when they wanted to. Now, we have two days to go through everything so we know exactly what we are taking and what we are selling. Oh goodness - it's a lot. Who knew we had so much stuff? Ugh. There's a lot to get rid of.. A lot to go through. I know we can do it, I'm just very overwhelmed right now. So now we'll spend until Thursday trying to get our house ready. (Sorry Dad for the mess I'm sure you're coming too).

In the meantime, I had every intention of posting a few pictures from our latest trip to Cabrillo from last week, but apparently, photobucket is down for maintenance. Joy. Oh well. So no new pictures today.. I guess that's my cue to get back to work..


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