Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Golden Book

So a couple of weeks ago, Kadie was selected for Golden Book. For those of you who aren't here and have NO idea what the heck Golden Book is, it's basically a citizenship award. You not only get to appear on SSN (Sullivans School Network), but you also get to sign the Golden Book with the golden pen, and the book is on display in the office for all to see. It means you did something right and your teacher picked you out of your entire class. Kadie was very excited to get it, even more excited to be on SSN - even if she has MAJOR camera fright and freezes up as soon as they put the camera on her. So that part didn't go over so well. Oh well, she was very happy that Tim got to be there for it, and that's all that matters right? :)

Such good Americans.. :) Yes, I had to take pictures of the TV in the library because that's how we saw it. So sorry for the poopy quality, not much light = rreeaallyyyy high ISO..

See? Not so good on the camera being on her. She was supposed to say her name and who's class she was in, but instead, she did this.. LOL

Being told what her award is for.. That's the book in front of her. Very serious stuff here people.

Actually signing the book. I didn't get any pictures of her after, she just stepped down and wanted to get to class. To be honest, we wanted to get out of there too - Tim still had to get to work!

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