Sunday, August 22, 2010

Very Entertaining

So last week we went bowling with our good friend and her daughter. We had such a blast, and I took WAY too many pictures. Molly went bowling for her first time, and she loved it. :) Kadie (of course) enjoyed herself (to some pizza and cookies too), and had decided she wants a bowling party for her birthday. :) Now if she could only figure out what theme she wants so we could tell our other friend for making her cake, we'd be good! LOL

I took way too many pictures, but I'm only going to post a few of my faves. To see the rest, check out my facebook. :)

Other than bowling with friends, we've been keeping busy. This deployment (and hey, even Summer) is starting to wind down, so we're just trying to keep ourselves as busy as possible. Kadie had swim lessons all last week and made some MAJOR improvements. Kid loves go under water and jump off the side. Those that know her know what a big accomplishment this is for her. She's always been very afraid of water, and has always hated going under. Both things are HUGE, and thus, she earned herself a new game. LOL (of course right). We'll spend this week with friends (hopefully at the pool several times), and then next week, school starts!! (YAY)!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last Weeks of Summer

Our lives over the past week or so have finally turned towards summer.. Of course, there isn't all that much left of summer, but at least Kadie can't say she didn't do anything at all this summer. :) We've been spending time at the pool on base, and the pool on our deck. Beyond that, Kadie's been involved with VBS all week. I love that there is Catholic VBS here - first time I've ever seen it! I guess it's something So Cal doesn't really have. lol Last year, she went to VBS at The Rock church in SD (non-denominational). She LOVED it, and I was going to sign her up for VBS here for another denomination when I saw that our church had it! YAY!!

Anyways, it's not been too much going on, but we have been busy. Tomorrow is Kadie's last day of VBS, so expect pictures from that!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our Day at the Beach..

Green Beach Pool.
There's another bigger and deeper pool above us to the left. (complete with water slide that I'm dying to go down)

So anyone who is on my facebook probably saw my post this morning - my friend and I were taking our kiddos out to Kamakura beach. We've been talking about getting out and doing things while our husbands are gone for, well, a long time. So we decided yesterday that we'd head out there today. After oversleeping, and not getting to the base until much later than planned, we decided that instead, we'd go to Green Beach Pool on base.

Honestly, we had such a blast!!! I don't think the real beach would have been nearly as fun. Molly was very nervous at first, but after a while, she really warmed up to it. We played (and had to get out for 15 minutes every hour - that's a little annoying) and relaxed the afternoon away. Kadie even got a slushi - apparently, it's been SO long since she's had one that she thought it was her first ever.. Obviously, she doesn't remember walking down to 7-11 in Duarte to get Slurpees when she was 3-4ish. hehehe She LOVED it, and yes, it dyed her entire mouth - lips, teeth, and tongue - red!

The girls really had a GREAT time and all the kids were totally wiped out. (OK, the Moms were too). :) The girls were asleep pretty quickly for them - especially Kadie, I don't think she'd even been in her room for 5 minutes before she passed out. Even better, said friend and I got tanned!! (well, burned in my case). We'll be heading back tomorrow, so enjoy the pics of the girls in the meantime!!!