Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last Weeks of Summer

Our lives over the past week or so have finally turned towards summer.. Of course, there isn't all that much left of summer, but at least Kadie can't say she didn't do anything at all this summer. :) We've been spending time at the pool on base, and the pool on our deck. Beyond that, Kadie's been involved with VBS all week. I love that there is Catholic VBS here - first time I've ever seen it! I guess it's something So Cal doesn't really have. lol Last year, she went to VBS at The Rock church in SD (non-denominational). She LOVED it, and I was going to sign her up for VBS here for another denomination when I saw that our church had it! YAY!!

Anyways, it's not been too much going on, but we have been busy. Tomorrow is Kadie's last day of VBS, so expect pictures from that!


  1. This is the first time I had ever seen a Catholic VBS too. I thought that was pretty cool. I was going to sign Haley up for the one next week, but she can only go if I volunteer and I am not feeling up to making first impressions right now. Ya, I suck. ;)
    So glad Kadie likes it!! And I love that picture of the girls! SO CUTE!

  2. Yeah, I heard that one was really full. Lame that she can ONLY go if you volunteer though. :(

    My sister's church in Portland, OR has VBS.. Shocked the heck out of me! LOL
