Friday, September 24, 2010

Stormy Days..

On Wednesday night, we went into TCCOR 4. We're prepping for a typhoon to hit us. (no worries, it shouldn't hit us directly - phew). It should hit us tomorrow, the front bands will hit us today (probably tonight). Yesterday, on our drive back from the base, we got stuck in microbursts. Honestly, I don't think I've ever driven in rain that was coming down so hard. Well, maybe the how much, but certainly not the size. The drops were BIG which is what made it so hard. We got through it though (Tim was, of course, behind me in his car), and made it home so we could pull everything off of our deck and into the house.

God certainly watched over us yesterday as the only times that it wasn't pouring were when we pulled everything inside and then when Kadie got ho
me from school. Shortly after, it was pouring down again. LOL Here's what we saw yesterday... One of the weirdest things I've seen since we moved here.. The water was acting VERY funny, you could actually see how the wind was blowing in a circular pattern. Even creepier, I could sit here and watch as mini tunnels formed in the clouds (when I say mini, I mean mini, they never even started to pull down). It's all good though, nothing actually ended up happening.. And today? Today, we're looking at this.. Talk about the calm before the storm. Aside from being COLD (WOOOOO HOOOO for that one), it's just cloudy outside. Heck, right now, I see blue sky - we all know that won't last though.. :P

In the meantime.. Molly decided she was a seamstress last night, and played with my measuring tape for a while. Apparently, she watches me too much because she threw the measuring tape around her shoulders like I do.. LOL


  1. Too funny! We both wrote similar posts today. And I too was out taking pics yesterday! Great minds think a like!

    ~Debra at

  2. Hilarious Debra!! I guess we do think alike! :P I only took a few shots yesterday, but I was driving in the worst of it - gotta grab those pics off my phone (no worries, I only snapped when we were stopped at a light).
