Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Another One..

Another Cache down..


I know I haven't been posting much information lately. Hey now though, at least I'm posting anything! :) Anyhoot, to be quite frank, we're having some attitude problems with Kadie. What's funny is that while venting to a friend today, she really pointed out something that made me realize that we're dealing with a teen in the house. Sure she doesn't have the "teen" horomones, but the things she's saying and doing are SO teenage. (I don't love her, she doesn't like herself very much, no one likes her, everything is everyone else's fault). I'm sure most of it is normal for a 7 year old, but it's driving me near insane. Therefore, I just don't really feel much like posting. Instead, I'm posting pictures here and there, bear with me until I get this figured out.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Ok, doesn't this melt your heart? My little girl.. Not only taking photos at Mikasa last week, but also holding an SLR the (almost) correct way!!! When I get Tim's camera back from his car, I will post some pics that she took with it. She LOVED it, and has decided she wants to be a "totagrapher"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mikasa Park

So apparently, I deprive my children of experiences.. LOL For those of you that don't know, Mikasa Park is a memorial park that's just outside of the gates. (It's about a 10 minute walk with children). In the 6 months that we've been here, we apparently haven't taken the girls there. Kadie went on and on about how this was her first time there. LOL The Japanese ship Mikasa is behind the girls in the picture.

We took them on Sunday after Tim got off from duty. The girls had a great time. :) There will be more pictures on my facebook, but seeing as how I need to get laundry done, for now, you guys get these two pics. :)

Oh and for those wondering... My hand is doing MUCH better. Thanks for the inquiries. :) It's healed over so there's nothing open anymore. The skin is still pretty thin, so I can't submerge it for long, but it's getting stronger every day. I'm also getting more feeling in my finger every day, so that's nice as well! Hence the mountains of laundry I have to get through!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Kadie and Haley - "silly faces"

On Friday, Kadie had her best friend here sleep over. Unfortunately, Molly split my hand back "open" that day, and my picture taking skills failed me. So all I have are a couple of pics from the way home.. :( Anyways, Kadie and her best friend had a blast (or at least, I think they did). It was great having her over here, and I hope her Mom will let us have her again! (hopefully next time I'm not injured and we can do a LOT more).

Monday, October 11, 2010

Just so I can say..

I got a post up today!! YAY!! LOL My wrist has been hurting me so typing is hurting too. I'll post more another day, but here's a picture from Kadie's birthday so that I can at least say I posted today.. I love the look on her face.. Don't you?

Friday, October 8, 2010


So a couple days ago, they took the stitches out of my hand. I must scream "LET THE NEW GUY PRACTICE ON HER!!!" as the HM taking the stitches OUT of my hand had never done it.. Hmm.. Sounds like the HM that put them in my hand.. LOL Anyhoot, because the guy who put them in did them tight, I ended up getting snipped by the scissors twice. OUCH! So I've been recovering from that. If that wasn't enough, this cute little thing decided that she was going to be mad and basically open it back up. YAY!

So while I have a friend's daughter sleeping over, Tim actually drove us home because I didn't think I could. He stayed with us until I got the girls into their room so that I wouldn't have much more "heavy lifting" to do. Thank goodness to his command that let him go home, with Molly scratching and pinching the spot while we did a quick run through the NEX, I don't know how I would have done it tonight. That being said, I'm getting off of here!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Birthdays and Bowling and Balloons.. OH MY!!!

So on to top off our way too quickly moving week, Kadie not only turned seven on Friday, but she also had a real birthday party. If you know her, you know that she goes to Disneyland and has lunch at Ariel's Grotto every year for her birthday. Last year, we were lucky enough to have her best friend and some cousins come along for the party too. This year though, we aren't in CA, and she said she didn't want to go to Tokyo Disney.. She wanted a bowling party. And since my mouse appears to have gone out, there will be more posts and pictures tomorrow. LOL

Monday, October 4, 2010

Catching Up

Sooo... I still have stitches in my hand.. If you want to see a picture click on the link.. I won't post the actual picture in lieu of some I KNOW don't want to see it.. LOL


It's a big owie... But it's all good because I'm back to being
able to type without my hand getting completely swollen after! Yippee!! So now I get to play catch up.

Last week literally flew by. I was in a daze for most of it, and honestly, I was shocked when I realized on Thursday night that the next day was Friday. Where did my week go? Oh right. On the couch or in bed.. Probably sleeping for a good chunk of that week. Thank GO
ODNESS Tim's Chief let him go Tuesday, Wednesday, and then even early enough to pick Kadie up from school on Friday.

Since I don't remember a good chunk of the week.. Here's a recap of what I do remember..

Somewhere in the week.. Kadie decided she was going to workout with Tim.. She even picked up some weights and went at it. It was VERY cute.. I can't really remember, but I'm about 90% certain that this was Monday night BEFORE the "incident" occurred. I have more pictures, but I have a teeny tiny feeling that Tim wouldn't be very happy with me if I posted them.. :P I mean.. What do you think???

After the "incident," we realized that Wednesday morning was going to be really rough for me. Not only was I (according to my doctor) going to be in excruciating pain (it wasn't THAT bad), but I also couldn't really clean and couldn't pi
ck up Molly. This meant I couldn't get her out of her crib. Tim had a solution for that. On Tuesday afternoon, Tim took the side off of Molly's crib, so she's now in a toddler bed!!! She fell out several times the first few days, but now
she seems to have it down. If only we could get her to stay in her bed until she falls asleep.. Now THAT would be something right?

Overall, she loves the bed. It's nice to not have to pull her out anymore. :) Hopefully soon, we'll have them in bunk beds so we can add some much neede
d space to their room!!!

For one more picture (at least with this post)... I looked outside one day to see a bunch of birds just sitting on one of the cables coming from our house. (this particular one is our internet). I see them sitting on the rails too. There are several more (I'd say about 5-10 more) that sit out there with these ones, but they flew away the second I opened the curtains. These were the brave suckers.