Monday, October 4, 2010

Catching Up

Sooo... I still have stitches in my hand.. If you want to see a picture click on the link.. I won't post the actual picture in lieu of some I KNOW don't want to see it.. LOL

It's a big owie... But it's all good because I'm back to being
able to type without my hand getting completely swollen after! Yippee!! So now I get to play catch up.

Last week literally flew by. I was in a daze for most of it, and honestly, I was shocked when I realized on Thursday night that the next day was Friday. Where did my week go? Oh right. On the couch or in bed.. Probably sleeping for a good chunk of that week. Thank GO
ODNESS Tim's Chief let him go Tuesday, Wednesday, and then even early enough to pick Kadie up from school on Friday.

Since I don't remember a good chunk of the week.. Here's a recap of what I do remember..

Somewhere in the week.. Kadie decided she was going to workout with Tim.. She even picked up some weights and went at it. It was VERY cute.. I can't really remember, but I'm about 90% certain that this was Monday night BEFORE the "incident" occurred. I have more pictures, but I have a teeny tiny feeling that Tim wouldn't be very happy with me if I posted them.. :P I mean.. What do you think???

After the "incident," we realized that Wednesday morning was going to be really rough for me. Not only was I (according to my doctor) going to be in excruciating pain (it wasn't THAT bad), but I also couldn't really clean and couldn't pi
ck up Molly. This meant I couldn't get her out of her crib. Tim had a solution for that. On Tuesday afternoon, Tim took the side off of Molly's crib, so she's now in a toddler bed!!! She fell out several times the first few days, but now
she seems to have it down. If only we could get her to stay in her bed until she falls asleep.. Now THAT would be something right?

Overall, she loves the bed. It's nice to not have to pull her out anymore. :) Hopefully soon, we'll have them in bunk beds so we can add some much neede
d space to their room!!!

For one more picture (at least with this post)... I looked outside one day to see a bunch of birds just sitting on one of the cables coming from our house. (this particular one is our internet). I see them sitting on the rails too. There are several more (I'd say about 5-10 more) that sit out there with these ones, but they flew away the second I opened the curtains. These were the brave suckers.

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