Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Closer Look

I'm telling you, one of these days it'll take less than my FIL to get me to update this blog on a regular basis. Maybe when I don't leave the camera in the car.. Or maybe when we aren't in the lodge and I don't have a baby climbing all over me, deciding that not only am I a jungle gym, but that she's also going to type with her feet. Not really sure what it is, but I'll get the point where I try to post daily.

So today? Well, we got our chit cleared to live off base. Of course, they forgot to send the one that gives us advance OHA, so I'm not really sure how things are going to work on Monday, but please keep your fingers crossed we can at least make the appointment to start the paperwork. Or at least that they made another mistake. Yup, our chit was approved two days before we received it, and we did NOT get it from the yeoman. Tim's department head had to go get it, so hopefully, he just missed that there were two of them. Either way, please-oh-please pray (keep your fingers crossed, whatever) that Tim doesn't have to go to the ship before we move in. That would just be DANDY! I'm a bit nervous about setting up all the utilities, internet, etc. With any luck, we'll end up with slingbox/slingcatcher very soon so that we're not stuck without TV too long. I don't see the point of getting AFN, but we might have to. We'll see I guess. I do NOT want americable though.. blah - no HD?!?! WTH?!?! Who doesn't have that anymore? Ok, so I've gotten off track.. Anyways, we got the chit cleared, and thus, I finally feel that I won't be jinxing us to post pictures of the house we're going to live in for the next 3 (or so) years. :)

These pictures were taken two different days, and I don't have too much time tonight, so there isn't much editing going on here.. And sorry that they are big..

Starting from the outside.. This is the view from just outside of our front door. This is looking back at the house. (We occupy the first floor. The second floor is a single Sailor.. He's got to be a Chief or an Officer to afford this place without dependents.. Oh and lets not mention his motorcycle and car - I think it was a mustang, a new one).


Then this is looking down.. Go up the stairs behind me here, and you'll come up to our parking spots - we have two. This is unusual in Japan, and we are SO happy to have them! Plus, it's not really a street behind us which means our kids should be able to play on bikes, etc back there.


Onto the inside (we'll go back outside in a minute). This is the view from somewhere in what will be the girls' playroom. to the left, is the entry into the "hall" that leads to the bedrooms. There's also a toilet, washroom, and bathroom back there. You can also see the entrance to the kitchen - you can also see how small it is. To the right is the entryway into the house. Those cabinets? They're really shoe racks.. Awesome. :) Behind the entry is where our living room will go.. It'll probably double as a guest room as we're looking for a sofa sleeper so that when anyone comes to visit (hint hint), they have somewhere to sleep besides the floors.. And they're hard.. Hardwood.. hahahaha (oh yes, I just said that). :)


Just another view of the playroom area.. Our computer desk is going to go in that corner to the right.. In the corner to the left? Molly's chair. You didn't think that would get pulled out of our lives did you?!?!


Looking back the other way...


The kitchen.. This is the biggest downer about the house. It's a VERY small kitchen, I'll make do though, I've already figured out where to put more storage for the kitchen, and we've already bought the monster of convection/toaster oven. We'll make do with it - I'm willing to sacrifice a small kitchen for an amazing view any day of the week! (Plus, I told Tim we'd be grilling a lot). You can't see it, but on the left, there is a small outcove that's under the stairs. (remember we're moving into a duplex - ok I just got told we HOPE we're moving to a duplex). That's where the oven is going to go.


Moving on.. I forgot to take pictures of the washroom, toilet, and bath. Yes, the bath and toilet are in separate rooms. I love it. And there's separate sinks for the washroom and toilet - meaning, I can soak stained cloths in the washroom sink without forcing everyone to wash their hands in the kitchen!! YAY (it's happened).

So we're moving on to the girls' room.. Just two quick pictures here.. The first is showing you where Kadie's bed will be (and I missed one of my favorite details of the house, my bad). the second shows where Molly's crib and Kadie's dresser will be.


Molly's crib is going in that outcove. Eventually, it'll probably be the trundle to Kadie's bed there.. Or.. if she gets her way, they'll get bunk beds in a year or so. In the meantime, Molly's crib goes there, and then Kadie's dresser goes on that wall. To the right of that are two closets. I'm secretly hoping one of them will fit Molly's changing table..


One thing I love about their room.. The way the house is set up, the girls have a window, but it doesn't look into anything. Just a concrete wall. (we are on a steep hill). Fun.. However, there's a little amount of space between the wall and their window, because of this, on top of their window are more windows making almost a greenhouse of sorts out of that area. The windows open up to let air in, but they close to prevent water from getting into that area since there really isn't anywhere for it to drain. We haven't decided if we're going to use it for storage or not. I'd like to, but then it'd also be PERFECT for emergency supplies - don't ya think? I guess we'll see if I come up with a better place for emergency supplies..

From their room, we're moving onto our room. Not much to say except look at the view!!

Ok.. not quite yet.. This is looking back from the windows in the room. That's either where our bed or dresser is going. Not sure which yet.


Now for the view..


That brings us to the deck.. I love the deck..

Tim and Molly are watching Kadie run into the living room. They're in our bedroom..


The view to the right of the deck.. On a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji from here.. The other neat thing? See the construction work going on down at the beach? They are making the beach - it's man made.. I think that's neat..


Remember how I said the house was literally across the street from the beach? Well, that 's where the steps start that go down there! :D Loooovveee it. That's closer to us than Kadie's school bus stop!


Apparently, I didn't do anything with some of the other pictures off the deck. My bad. I would go back and work on them right now before I post this, but Molly refuses to go to sleep. Do you know what she does when she refuses to go to sleep? She uses my chest, arm, head, hands, whatever she can get her head onto as a pillow. It makes it very difficult to type. Fun times. Anyways, I'd better get off of here before she starts to type (or I might already be too late for that one).



  1. Love the tour. Thanks. I have saved your blog to my favorites so it will be great to see how life is for you in Japan. I can't believe how big the girls are. Wow.
    Love, Robin

  2. Beautiful. Beachfront property in Japan.

    I know the navy has its drawbacks, but it allows you guys a lifestyle many people can only dream of.

  3. Thanks guys. :)

    Wes - it does. :) I don't think we'll ever live beach front again.. heheh
