Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Parks.. We always seem to be at a park..

And this wasn't any different than any other day. I've been loving the wonderful weather we've been having. (And yes, I consider today a good day too even though it's been pouring.. It wasn't windy. YAY). A few days ago, we even got to wear short sleeves and spent the afternoon at the park! It was just wonderful. This one was designed for children Molly's age. She loved it. Kadie? She got bored. That's OK though, she made new friends (so did I). I hope we continue to have wonderful days like this.. I want to put away the Winter clothes and move on to Spring before Summer hits us like the ton of bricks I'm sure it will.

This particular trip was on a great day. We had finally gotten the last chit we needed for housing earlier that day. I got in at the last minute and got an appointment for us in a week! I ran into a friend that I've been excited to meet since we got here. :) More important than that - I was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been struggling in here since Tim left, I have a really rough time feeling unsettled, and I don't think I really can until we move in and/or Tim gets back. Which ever comes first. And I honestly say it like that - at the rate we've been going, it feels like Tim will be home long before we move. JOY. I hate it in here, and it's more like I just can't wait until we can get out. Plus, I MISS my really comfy bed and sleeping without being a punching bag for a 1 year old. Actually, I think we're all feeling it. Poor Timmy, every time he calls I end up crying on the phone because I'm so miserable in here and something or another has really angered me that day. The girls are either loving or smacking each other. That's normal sister behavior, but when you're stuck in one room all together, every little thing gets on everyone's nerves. So someone's always in trouble or someone is always being told to stop. I've had a constant headache (it comes back every night) since Tim left. I hate it here. Plain and simple.
Ok. So this is how I feel most days in here.. LOL Molly was angry because Kadie took off to go to the bathroom. lol And I realize I've gotten way off the whole topic of these pictures.. :) The girls like playgrounds. It was nice and warm. Yup. That's about it. lol


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