Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Party

About to head down to the party!

So last night was Tim's command's Christmas party. It was at the New Sanno Hotel in Tokyo. Tim and I had an awesome friend watch the girls so we could actually have a night alone, so we stayed down there. Finding the hotel was fun (we got off the train at the wrong station). LOL But we finally made it, got ready, got downstairs only to find that they did not have enough tables and seats. We ended up eating in the restaurant next door to the ballroom, and then ended up back and forth all night. The party was WAY too crowded, but even with that, it was a great evening. Tim and I got time alone -we got to talk without worrying about little ears listening in.. We got to talk without having someone cry or complain about something else. It was great. :) Thank you SO much to Amanda for watching the girls for me, I know they can be a handful. I can't even begin to express how great the night was JUST because we got time to ourselves!!!

At Shinagawa Station waiting for our connection to head home.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you guys had a great time. <3 No problem! I love you guys!!
