Saturday, July 30, 2011

Storm Watch.. July Edition..

Pretty purple skys.. Well, I really don't know if that should be pretty..
SooOOooo... We have this HUUUGGEEEEE typhoons that come through here.. ALLLLL Summer long.. EVERY year.. Yeah. Sure. LOL (please note the sarcasm).  Since we moved here.. I've only ever seen ONE real semi-decent storm (at least a storm where I actually saw lightening bolts), and that was the day I moved into our house out in town.. Well, that was until today. This storm was SERIOUSLY active, and we weren't even warned about it. While it really didn't have much more than a breeze, this storm was MUCH worse than any "typhoon" I've seen here. We had lightening bolts touching down all over the place, one that touched down here close enough that I felt the hairs stand up on me.. Did I get a picture of said bolts? No. I kind of got one, and Tim got a pretty great shot of one.. But hey, I got to see some amazing stuff, and boy was the sky a pretty purple tonight!!

Keep in mind that with EVERY one of the shots on this post, it was pitch black until the lightening flashed!

Tim's awesome shot of the lightening!

Another shot of his.. I love how you can see where the flash is...

The ONLY shot I caught a bolt it.. And you can barely see it *cry*
PS - now that I've said we don't ever get any cool storms, there is a storm brewing in the pacific right now. Who wants to bet that since I said typhoons never REALLY hit us, it'll hit us now?? BAD BLOGGER!!!! BAD!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011


Happy Birthday to my baby girl! She's officially three, and while she hasn't had her party yet, we had a mini one for her at home tonight! She got her favorite meal (pizza), followed by birthday cake ice cream for dessert! She was pretty darn happy to blow the candles out! Up next? The movie she picked out today (Dragon Tales) under her new Tiana blanket! I think she had a good birthday! :)

Molly says "BYE!!!"

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Molly working with him.
Well... Tim loves his dog.. He runs around with him, and he spends a good chunk of his time these days working on training him.. Here's the thing though - he's not the only one, Molly LOVES it too..

Puppy Hugs!!

Ok.. Daddy can help get Buster to shake!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

On the bright side..

No matter what age.. chocolate is always good.

-Sarah (who can't figure out why it says Tim posted this).

Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Nights

Four kids and their own pizza. Super kawaii!!!!! (and I didn't tell them to do that).
Just a quick post as I only have a minute in between movies. I love Summer nights. I love nights where the kids get to have friends sleep over.. (and their parents get a night to themselves).. I love watching kids in a BIG pizza party, and love that they're now having a movie night!

All ready for a sleepover!

ER Trip

A lot of you already know (you know, the two 12 people who read this blog.. lol), but last night, our Summer took a little bit of an unexpected turn. The girls were already laying down, Tim and I were both feeling a bit under the weather, so we headed to bed too. We were in our room when we heard a blood curdling "DADDY!!!!!!" coming from Molly. Tim ran out there, and by time I got out there, there was blood all over Molly's feet. Kadie was standing next to her door, crying and saying she didn't mean too. Tim took a look at her foot and told Kadie to get dressed, and then told me she needed to get to the ER. Thank GOD we live on base BTW. :)

We took her in, and Molly is fine. She was SUCH a trooper in there last night. Hysterical for about the first hour, but what do you expect? She was in a LOT of pain. About the time where she started to calm down from the pain and being scared of being in the hospital, she actually SAW her foot, and it started all over again. She had 3 x-rays of her toe taken, and she did fabulous during x-rays, not moving her foot so she wouldn't have to have more pictures taken. You could tell how afraid of the equipment she was, but she continued to just push through all of it.

We got back from the x-rays, and the doctors came to see her. They determined before the x-rays even came back that her toe didn't look broken. (Tim and I both thought it was - it was REALLY curved inward.. I learned something new about my daughter last night - the same toe on each foot curves in like that). They did wait for the x-rays to be absolutely certain though. After that, they said they were going to send the corpsman back in to clean up her feet.  They COULD give her some injections to numb up the toe while they did that, but the injections would be more painful (and traumatizing) than just making her grin and bear it. So that's what we did, she didn't get pain meds while they cleaned up her foot. Talk about a trooper, she sat there and while she did cry and whimper, she just took it. We had our ipad with us, and she played with that. Tim said it was obvious that she was in a lot of pain while they were doing it, but she did her best to keep herself distracted. By the end of the night, we found out that her toe has a big laceration (it looks like about half the nail was ripped off), and is very bruised. They dressed it and then wrapped her whole foot up in an ace bandage that has to stay there for a few days. I told the doctor there was NO way she'd keep it on, and he said to try, but if it came off, considering her age, it came off. No harm, no fowl. Just to make sure to keep that foot clean. (so no backyard playing for her.. lol). Shockingly, while she HATED the dressing at first, she was distracted by the ipad, and has kept the dressing on. Last night, we called it a boo-boo sock and told her not to take it off because it's keeping her big boo boo from getting more boo boos, and she's been alright with it on ever since. 
relaxing with Daddy this morning.

This morning, she's still kind of out of it. She's slowly coming out of her shell, but she's still baby'ing the foot. It'll probably be a day or so before she wants to put weight down on it, and honestly, I don't blame her one bit! I'm so proud of how she did in there - she was scared, but just kept on chugging through last night!

chilling out and playing Ipad!!

Friday, July 1, 2011


So most of you know, we adopted a dog last week - a jack russell terrier named Buster. He's a ball full of energy, and we absolutely love him!

In other news, Kadie is sleeping over at a friend's house tonight. She was SO excited to get asked (after they sat together at the theater to see Cars 2) that she started jumping up and down. In the meantime, we totally broke Molly's heart, and she cried for both Kadie AND Ashlynn the whole ride home. She's happy now though, so we're hoping she doesn't notice when they come to pick up Kadie's stuff for the night. :P

Tim may or may not be leaving tomorrow. That's really up in the air, and I'm REALLY annoyed to not know the answer to the question. BUT, that's Navy life, there's not much you can do about it. In the meantime, I'm enjoying whatever time they let me have my husband home with me. :) Right now? My first Chicago style deep dish in the oven.. I'll tell you later if it turns out.