Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Parks.. We always seem to be at a park..

And this wasn't any different than any other day. I've been loving the wonderful weather we've been having. (And yes, I consider today a good day too even though it's been pouring.. It wasn't windy. YAY). A few days ago, we even got to wear short sleeves and spent the afternoon at the park! It was just wonderful. This one was designed for children Molly's age. She loved it. Kadie? She got bored. That's OK though, she made new friends (so did I). I hope we continue to have wonderful days like this.. I want to put away the Winter clothes and move on to Spring before Summer hits us like the ton of bricks I'm sure it will.

This particular trip was on a great day. We had finally gotten the last chit we needed for housing earlier that day. I got in at the last minute and got an appointment for us in a week! I ran into a friend that I've been excited to meet since we got here. :) More important than that - I was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been struggling in here since Tim left, I have a really rough time feeling unsettled, and I don't think I really can until we move in and/or Tim gets back. Which ever comes first. And I honestly say it like that - at the rate we've been going, it feels like Tim will be home long before we move. JOY. I hate it in here, and it's more like I just can't wait until we can get out. Plus, I MISS my really comfy bed and sleeping without being a punching bag for a 1 year old. Actually, I think we're all feeling it. Poor Timmy, every time he calls I end up crying on the phone because I'm so miserable in here and something or another has really angered me that day. The girls are either loving or smacking each other. That's normal sister behavior, but when you're stuck in one room all together, every little thing gets on everyone's nerves. So someone's always in trouble or someone is always being told to stop. I've had a constant headache (it comes back every night) since Tim left. I hate it here. Plain and simple.
Ok. So this is how I feel most days in here.. LOL Molly was angry because Kadie took off to go to the bathroom. lol And I realize I've gotten way off the whole topic of these pictures.. :) The girls like playgrounds. It was nice and warm. Yup. That's about it. lol


Monday, April 26, 2010

Nap Time

(Tim can you see this picture)?

I swear.. I'm going to have a HECK of a time getting her to sleep in a crib again after being able to sleep in my bed while we've been here.. Oh well, at least she's napping before 3PM today. Maybe she'll even go to sleep before 11 tonight!!!!!

Also.. Did you notice the SHORT SLEEVES?!?! Oh yeah.. FINALLY!! hehe Even better than short sleeves, it's the second day in a row that we've been wearing them. :) Yesterday, she and I wore sleeveless and Kadie wore short sleeves to Mass. That is just wonderful. Fingers crossed that we warm up now and don't go back to freezing.. (although I'm sure we will).

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Well guys, there's not much to update. Tim made it safely to his new ship last week. They flew him into Bangkok, you know where the command was banned from, and where all Americans are currently told not to be. Yay for that. LOL I'm glad they've left Thailand while it's on the brink of civil war, and even happier that I can't watch the news with the girls in the room, so I was unaware of this until today. Long after they'd already left. (phew). I'm happy to report that he in his short time so far, he does like it there. I like it too - I talked to his LPO for a while the night that he left here, and he seems like a great guy. A family man - shocker, I know.. Tim won't have to beg for time when it comes to something important for his children like he's had to in the past because no one had children. :) I'm happy about that one.

The girls and I are coping fine. We know how long this is going to be, and it's not effecting us horribly. I do have to say, even with the amount of time this deployment is, it stung worse than I thought it would. It was worse than the other two were, but I think more than anything else it's because where Tim and I are in our marriage. We're happy, genuinely happy, and after having him home and/or hardly working for two months, saying goodbye was hard. Out of the three of us Molly is having the hardest time, but that's to be expected, she doesn't understand what happened to him. She tends to walk into rooms or places that we've been with Tim and run around in circles (or up and down aisles in the NEX) saying "DADDY????" It's cute in a heartbreaking way. She doesn't sound upset, she just can't for the life of her figure out where he went. She expects him to be just around the corner like they are playing a game. :) Kadie told me tonight it was a good thing Daddy wasn't here so that she could rent a girly movie. LOL So I think she's alright with it. I miss him terribly, but he's finally started calling (I know, how long could it have been, but it still stunk). When he calls daily, it helps - a lot. I feel like I get my usual time to talk to him, and I feel like I get to keep him updated on our lives.. I get to stay updated on his. It gives us a connection - even if it's only for a few minutes. That really helps, makes it hurt less. And it does, we've started to get into our own routine, and you know, as soon as we get settled into our house, things will be 100x better.

Ok, so this seems like we're down.. I promise you though, we aren't in the slightest bit. I love it here, and Kadie seems to be coming around to Japan too. :) Like I said, it isn't much right now. Just adjusting (again.. Do we ever stop as a Navy family?!)


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Nature of the Beast

So today's weather matched all of our moods here.. We had to say goodbye (again) to Tim. It's been a long time since he's deployed (nearly two years), and now we're in a foreign country - needless to say, this deployment will be a bit different than the ones in the past. Oh yeah, let's not forget the addition of a baby. :)

So yesterday around noon we got "the call" telling us that Tim was deploying today. Joy - less than 24 hours notice. YAY - I'm sure you all know by now how well I took that. haha. So we spent the rest of the day running around, getting things done that we needed to before he left. Then we spent this morning packing him up. He left us around lunch time and is on his plane headed to XXXXX right now. (look up where the Blue Ridge is if you want to figure it out). Molly had an absolute heartbreak as she and I walked away from him. I was doing fine until then - that kind of killed it for me. After a few minutes, I composed myself and have been fine ever since. Molly has been too. :) Well, except that she keeps walking around the room calling out "Daddy?" Other than that though, she's good. LOL :) We did get to talk to him via Skype for a few minutes today, and even though we all had some technical issues, it was wonderful for the three of us to see him. Beyond that, we chatted on facebook, and then he boarded. I'm glad to know he's fine, and even happier to know what's happening now. We're no longer on edge constantly waiting for that phone call, and I can finally start planning for his return. :)

Another wonderful thing for us today? We got to talk to Kadie's Godmother, Beanie, via skype as well!! :) Thanks Bean - you really made the afternoon fly by!!!!

That's it today. Sorry no pictures, but it's been a long, draining day, and I just want to get my girls to bed semi early and get myself to bed!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Rain, Rain, Come My Way?

I swear that should be our mantra here. It's not currently raining, but it's in our forecast this week.. What?! Rain in Yokosuka?! Unheard of! Because of this - and Molly's new affinity to jumping in puddles - we decided that we needed to get some rain boots. Kadie's "clogs" don't really cut it, and well, they have some really cute boots here! Remember, it rains year round here - so they'll be wearing them all summer too.

After having some breakfast at McDonald's (didn't I tell you we are there all the time?! It was two days in a row this week), we decided to head out to Daiei to get some boots for the girls and see if we could find a necklace chain for me. I spotted a pendent that I really wanted (reminded me of a cherry blossom), and Tim thought it would be a good idea to get. Turns out, it needed a chain and I didn't like what the NEX had to offer. Anyways, back to what I was typing.. We went to Daiei - we even walked. It was such a beautiful day yesterday that we didn't want to drive (plus, who knows how much parking is in there.. haha). We found both girls some very cute boots, so I'm quite pleased with it as it stands right now. Molly's are a bit big, but it was the smallest size they had (about 1 size bigger than what she normally wears). Kadie also got some adorable clogs that she can't run in. LOL She hasn't quite mastered wearing them without them falling off yet, so she's not wearing them to school quite yet. We might go back and grab some slide ons from the same shop since they are so cheap (1050 Yen!! woo hoo)!! Anyways, I guess we're finally more prepared for the rain now!! Woo hoo!!

Kadie's clogs - I could have sworn there were hearts on these Mom.. LOL


Then her boots:


And Molly's...


After we finished up with the mall, it was time for Tim to change and head back to TPU because he was on "duty" and had to muster. It was still such a nice day out though, so I asked him to drop us off at the park near there.. This is the park near McDonald's that has a ton of cherry blossom trees. I think they are beautiful right now.. Not at full blossom, but there are still a few late comers, and they are intermixed with bright green leaves..


So I guess you could say the blossoms are pretty much gone.. It's all good - in their wake, the country is so incredibly green right now - it's just beautiful!

The girls had a good time. I took some snap shots. A piegeon flew down right next to me and just stayed there. I think he was looking for food. Anyways, after a while, Molly found him and chased him all over the playground. It was pretty funny - after a few laps around the play structure, he finally flew away (much to Molly's dismay).

Just one playground picture right now.. More to come later! (mostly Molly chasing around the bird). It's a rare picture with both girls smiling though, so you know it had to be posted!



Sunday, April 18, 2010


Some pictures that I haven't posted from things going on lately. They're all randoms, but I still like them anyways.. hehe :)

At McDonald's sometime recently.. I swear we should have bought stock in the place - generally speaking, we eat out once a day (while in the Lodge only), and we seem to eat there more often than anywhere else...


Molly says "hi" :) She was waving at us.. Ignore the ketchup on her hands - she's officially obsessed with the stuff.


A rare picture where Kadie isn't fake smiling.. :)


From there.. We walked to the playground across the street from the Lodge. I love this one.. Kadie and Molly LOVE the giant slide here..


Molly went on the swings for the first time while we were there that day. She doesn't like them. hahaha


A totally different day.. This is buy our (hopeful) house.. This is a "secret" spot that a lot of Japanese photographers use to take some amazing shots of Mt. Fuji. (Our agent told us this one). So even though Fuji was not visible to us right then, I had to take a quick shot of Kadie..


That's all for now.. I have more pictures from today, but it's getting late here, and Kadie goes back to school tomorrow. In other words, I actually have to wake up in the morning. :)


Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Closer Look

I'm telling you, one of these days it'll take less than my FIL to get me to update this blog on a regular basis. Maybe when I don't leave the camera in the car.. Or maybe when we aren't in the lodge and I don't have a baby climbing all over me, deciding that not only am I a jungle gym, but that she's also going to type with her feet. Not really sure what it is, but I'll get the point where I try to post daily.

So today? Well, we got our chit cleared to live off base. Of course, they forgot to send the one that gives us advance OHA, so I'm not really sure how things are going to work on Monday, but please keep your fingers crossed we can at least make the appointment to start the paperwork. Or at least that they made another mistake. Yup, our chit was approved two days before we received it, and we did NOT get it from the yeoman. Tim's department head had to go get it, so hopefully, he just missed that there were two of them. Either way, please-oh-please pray (keep your fingers crossed, whatever) that Tim doesn't have to go to the ship before we move in. That would just be DANDY! I'm a bit nervous about setting up all the utilities, internet, etc. With any luck, we'll end up with slingbox/slingcatcher very soon so that we're not stuck without TV too long. I don't see the point of getting AFN, but we might have to. We'll see I guess. I do NOT want americable though.. blah - no HD?!?! WTH?!?! Who doesn't have that anymore? Ok, so I've gotten off track.. Anyways, we got the chit cleared, and thus, I finally feel that I won't be jinxing us to post pictures of the house we're going to live in for the next 3 (or so) years. :)

These pictures were taken two different days, and I don't have too much time tonight, so there isn't much editing going on here.. And sorry that they are big..

Starting from the outside.. This is the view from just outside of our front door. This is looking back at the house. (We occupy the first floor. The second floor is a single Sailor.. He's got to be a Chief or an Officer to afford this place without dependents.. Oh and lets not mention his motorcycle and car - I think it was a mustang, a new one).


Then this is looking down.. Go up the stairs behind me here, and you'll come up to our parking spots - we have two. This is unusual in Japan, and we are SO happy to have them! Plus, it's not really a street behind us which means our kids should be able to play on bikes, etc back there.


Onto the inside (we'll go back outside in a minute). This is the view from somewhere in what will be the girls' playroom. to the left, is the entry into the "hall" that leads to the bedrooms. There's also a toilet, washroom, and bathroom back there. You can also see the entrance to the kitchen - you can also see how small it is. To the right is the entryway into the house. Those cabinets? They're really shoe racks.. Awesome. :) Behind the entry is where our living room will go.. It'll probably double as a guest room as we're looking for a sofa sleeper so that when anyone comes to visit (hint hint), they have somewhere to sleep besides the floors.. And they're hard.. Hardwood.. hahahaha (oh yes, I just said that). :)


Just another view of the playroom area.. Our computer desk is going to go in that corner to the right.. In the corner to the left? Molly's chair. You didn't think that would get pulled out of our lives did you?!?!


Looking back the other way...


The kitchen.. This is the biggest downer about the house. It's a VERY small kitchen, I'll make do though, I've already figured out where to put more storage for the kitchen, and we've already bought the monster of convection/toaster oven. We'll make do with it - I'm willing to sacrifice a small kitchen for an amazing view any day of the week! (Plus, I told Tim we'd be grilling a lot). You can't see it, but on the left, there is a small outcove that's under the stairs. (remember we're moving into a duplex - ok I just got told we HOPE we're moving to a duplex). That's where the oven is going to go.


Moving on.. I forgot to take pictures of the washroom, toilet, and bath. Yes, the bath and toilet are in separate rooms. I love it. And there's separate sinks for the washroom and toilet - meaning, I can soak stained cloths in the washroom sink without forcing everyone to wash their hands in the kitchen!! YAY (it's happened).

So we're moving on to the girls' room.. Just two quick pictures here.. The first is showing you where Kadie's bed will be (and I missed one of my favorite details of the house, my bad). the second shows where Molly's crib and Kadie's dresser will be.


Molly's crib is going in that outcove. Eventually, it'll probably be the trundle to Kadie's bed there.. Or.. if she gets her way, they'll get bunk beds in a year or so. In the meantime, Molly's crib goes there, and then Kadie's dresser goes on that wall. To the right of that are two closets. I'm secretly hoping one of them will fit Molly's changing table..


One thing I love about their room.. The way the house is set up, the girls have a window, but it doesn't look into anything. Just a concrete wall. (we are on a steep hill). Fun.. However, there's a little amount of space between the wall and their window, because of this, on top of their window are more windows making almost a greenhouse of sorts out of that area. The windows open up to let air in, but they close to prevent water from getting into that area since there really isn't anywhere for it to drain. We haven't decided if we're going to use it for storage or not. I'd like to, but then it'd also be PERFECT for emergency supplies - don't ya think? I guess we'll see if I come up with a better place for emergency supplies..

From their room, we're moving onto our room. Not much to say except look at the view!!

Ok.. not quite yet.. This is looking back from the windows in the room. That's either where our bed or dresser is going. Not sure which yet.


Now for the view..


That brings us to the deck.. I love the deck..

Tim and Molly are watching Kadie run into the living room. They're in our bedroom..


The view to the right of the deck.. On a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji from here.. The other neat thing? See the construction work going on down at the beach? They are making the beach - it's man made.. I think that's neat..


Remember how I said the house was literally across the street from the beach? Well, that 's where the steps start that go down there! :D Loooovveee it. That's closer to us than Kadie's school bus stop!


Apparently, I didn't do anything with some of the other pictures off the deck. My bad. I would go back and work on them right now before I post this, but Molly refuses to go to sleep. Do you know what she does when she refuses to go to sleep? She uses my chest, arm, head, hands, whatever she can get her head onto as a pillow. It makes it very difficult to type. Fun times. Anyways, I'd better get off of here before she starts to type (or I might already be too late for that one).


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just a Teaser..


This is the view from our living room out onto our deck. Beyond that is a street and then the beach. :)

We won't get the move in for at least two weeks (ugh, gotta love the Navy), but we are absolutely in love with the place. Once I know with absolute certainty that it's ours, I'll post more pictures, but for now, you guys just get a little glance at it. :)


Thursday, April 8, 2010


So last week, we were in a class allll week long (AOB/ICR). It was a loonngg and boring class, it also kept me from updating this blog because it was all day long. The girls were on opposite sides of the bases, and we couldn't drop Molly off until we'd already dropped Kadie off at school. So by time we were done with class, picked up Molly, picked up Kadie, went to the commissary and headed back home, I was exhausted every night. I pretty much made dinner and we all passed out. (BTW, all of this is walking around or taking the bus, we didn't have a car yet).

The highlight of the class is a "field trip" off base. They want you to get off base and learn the rail systems, so they have you go to Kamakura. It's an important city to Japan (first Shogun capital of the country), and just so happens to be 3 stops away from the Yokosuka JR Station. It was wonderful - we not only had no children (what a concept), but we also had a gorgeous day to do it!!

We took the train (not scary at all), and then the group separated for lunch. I forgot to take a picture of our food, but it was absolutely wonderful - Tim had ginger pork and I had katsu-ju (deep fried pork), both of our meals came with rice, cabbage, miso soup, pickles, and green tea. mm.. It was good - I want to go back.. hmm.. Maybe tomorrow?? lol By time we ate, we had to head back to go on a walking tour of a large shrine in Kamakura. It was gorgeous!! We walked up, said a prayer, got our fortunes, and then headed for another JR line to head to the Great Buddha. He was big, but no where near as gorgeous as the shrine earlier.

BTW, I should mention, if you find yourself in Japan, get yourself a passmo or suica card. Totally worth it. Instead of having to stop to buy tickets everywhere, you just tap your card and go through the gates. It automatically charges the card, and you can re-load it any time you run out of yen on it! :D Loooovveee it!!!

Anyhoot, here are our pictures from the day.. Again, sorry I can't say much, there's still pictures to go through and post.. There's still dinner to be made.. Still lots to do!!



So here we go.. There is more where this came from.. These are a bunch of randoms, days at the park, McDonald's, and Kadie's first day of school. Not a lot of time to explain what they are, but I'm sure you can get it.. I'm guessing half of you don't even read and just look at pictures.. (TIM!!). :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Sooo sorry that I haven't been able to finish with the pictures yet! We've had a busy couple of days (again, I know, we always seem to be busy huh)?

How was your Easter?? ;) A bit shaky? hehe Ours was wonderful here! We had breakfast at McDonald's with some new friends of ours - to which Kadie said it was the BEST Easter ever!! And then spent some more time talking to other friends, and even more time lazying around our room watching movies on netflix. (Which we had to do through the computer since we had to trick netflix into thinking we were in the US).

The rest of this week has been us looking for a car! We did end up finding one that we bought yesterday, and we are VERY happy with it!! It's a Nissan Tino (which reminds me of the US Nissan Rogue). Has more than enough space for our little family and our things!! Yay for that one!

Next, we'll spend a day or so getting things situated between VRO on base and LTO on the Japanese side, and we'll be all set with the car!

Car things aside, we also decided to live on base, so Tim put our names on the waiting list for a townhouse here. We're number two on the list, so keep your fingers crossed that we get offered something soon. We're hoping for next week - especially since our UB shipment is here, and our HHG shouldn't be too far behind. I'm hoping that by time we move in, our HHG is here, and we never have to deal with the loaner furniture or crash kits. Hopefully, everything will get here at the same time so we can settle in!!

That's it for now!! Sorry no pictures to share yet - we're headed to the NEX, VRO, commissary and then picking Kadie up from school! I am SO happy to have a car again!! Even more so since our weather went from the gorgeous day yesterday to cold, windy, and rainy again today! :)

Monday, April 5, 2010


I didn't forget about you guys.. :) I've gotten a few emails asking me to update.. I promise I will soon. We've had a crazy week or so, and it's been hard for me to get on the computer. I have roughly 400 pictures or so to go through, so expect to see some pictures soon!!

BTW - for all of our family and friends in So Cal - I hope you guys are all OK!! OH and if you want our address here, please send me an email or message me on facebook!!!

In the meantime.. I want to leave you guys with some of the only pictures I took during the Sakura festival about a week ago!

