Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Sooo sorry that I haven't been able to finish with the pictures yet! We've had a busy couple of days (again, I know, we always seem to be busy huh)?

How was your Easter?? ;) A bit shaky? hehe Ours was wonderful here! We had breakfast at McDonald's with some new friends of ours - to which Kadie said it was the BEST Easter ever!! And then spent some more time talking to other friends, and even more time lazying around our room watching movies on netflix. (Which we had to do through the computer since we had to trick netflix into thinking we were in the US).

The rest of this week has been us looking for a car! We did end up finding one that we bought yesterday, and we are VERY happy with it!! It's a Nissan Tino (which reminds me of the US Nissan Rogue). Has more than enough space for our little family and our things!! Yay for that one!

Next, we'll spend a day or so getting things situated between VRO on base and LTO on the Japanese side, and we'll be all set with the car!

Car things aside, we also decided to live on base, so Tim put our names on the waiting list for a townhouse here. We're number two on the list, so keep your fingers crossed that we get offered something soon. We're hoping for next week - especially since our UB shipment is here, and our HHG shouldn't be too far behind. I'm hoping that by time we move in, our HHG is here, and we never have to deal with the loaner furniture or crash kits. Hopefully, everything will get here at the same time so we can settle in!!

That's it for now!! Sorry no pictures to share yet - we're headed to the NEX, VRO, commissary and then picking Kadie up from school! I am SO happy to have a car again!! Even more so since our weather went from the gorgeous day yesterday to cold, windy, and rainy again today! :)

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