Thursday, April 8, 2010


So last week, we were in a class allll week long (AOB/ICR). It was a loonngg and boring class, it also kept me from updating this blog because it was all day long. The girls were on opposite sides of the bases, and we couldn't drop Molly off until we'd already dropped Kadie off at school. So by time we were done with class, picked up Molly, picked up Kadie, went to the commissary and headed back home, I was exhausted every night. I pretty much made dinner and we all passed out. (BTW, all of this is walking around or taking the bus, we didn't have a car yet).

The highlight of the class is a "field trip" off base. They want you to get off base and learn the rail systems, so they have you go to Kamakura. It's an important city to Japan (first Shogun capital of the country), and just so happens to be 3 stops away from the Yokosuka JR Station. It was wonderful - we not only had no children (what a concept), but we also had a gorgeous day to do it!!

We took the train (not scary at all), and then the group separated for lunch. I forgot to take a picture of our food, but it was absolutely wonderful - Tim had ginger pork and I had katsu-ju (deep fried pork), both of our meals came with rice, cabbage, miso soup, pickles, and green tea. mm.. It was good - I want to go back.. hmm.. Maybe tomorrow?? lol By time we ate, we had to head back to go on a walking tour of a large shrine in Kamakura. It was gorgeous!! We walked up, said a prayer, got our fortunes, and then headed for another JR line to head to the Great Buddha. He was big, but no where near as gorgeous as the shrine earlier.

BTW, I should mention, if you find yourself in Japan, get yourself a passmo or suica card. Totally worth it. Instead of having to stop to buy tickets everywhere, you just tap your card and go through the gates. It automatically charges the card, and you can re-load it any time you run out of yen on it! :D Loooovveee it!!!

Anyhoot, here are our pictures from the day.. Again, sorry I can't say much, there's still pictures to go through and post.. There's still dinner to be made.. Still lots to do!!


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