Saturday, April 24, 2010


Well guys, there's not much to update. Tim made it safely to his new ship last week. They flew him into Bangkok, you know where the command was banned from, and where all Americans are currently told not to be. Yay for that. LOL I'm glad they've left Thailand while it's on the brink of civil war, and even happier that I can't watch the news with the girls in the room, so I was unaware of this until today. Long after they'd already left. (phew). I'm happy to report that he in his short time so far, he does like it there. I like it too - I talked to his LPO for a while the night that he left here, and he seems like a great guy. A family man - shocker, I know.. Tim won't have to beg for time when it comes to something important for his children like he's had to in the past because no one had children. :) I'm happy about that one.

The girls and I are coping fine. We know how long this is going to be, and it's not effecting us horribly. I do have to say, even with the amount of time this deployment is, it stung worse than I thought it would. It was worse than the other two were, but I think more than anything else it's because where Tim and I are in our marriage. We're happy, genuinely happy, and after having him home and/or hardly working for two months, saying goodbye was hard. Out of the three of us Molly is having the hardest time, but that's to be expected, she doesn't understand what happened to him. She tends to walk into rooms or places that we've been with Tim and run around in circles (or up and down aisles in the NEX) saying "DADDY????" It's cute in a heartbreaking way. She doesn't sound upset, she just can't for the life of her figure out where he went. She expects him to be just around the corner like they are playing a game. :) Kadie told me tonight it was a good thing Daddy wasn't here so that she could rent a girly movie. LOL So I think she's alright with it. I miss him terribly, but he's finally started calling (I know, how long could it have been, but it still stunk). When he calls daily, it helps - a lot. I feel like I get my usual time to talk to him, and I feel like I get to keep him updated on our lives.. I get to stay updated on his. It gives us a connection - even if it's only for a few minutes. That really helps, makes it hurt less. And it does, we've started to get into our own routine, and you know, as soon as we get settled into our house, things will be 100x better.

Ok, so this seems like we're down.. I promise you though, we aren't in the slightest bit. I love it here, and Kadie seems to be coming around to Japan too. :) Like I said, it isn't much right now. Just adjusting (again.. Do we ever stop as a Navy family?!)


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