Thursday, May 20, 2010

An Update of Sorts..

So I know I haven't posted on here in a while. Sorry about that guys. (Thank you for reminding me Brandi.. :) ). We've basically been in the process of moving for a little over a week now. While moving in, however, we don't have access to regular internet. I've been using my cell to check facebook and my email, but not much beyond that. We have a data card that the internet company gave us to use until our FO can be installed, but it's still fairly slow as it runs on 3G.

So to update all of you.. For those who aren't on my facebook (ok, really, who is that?!).. The Blue Ridge pulled back into Yokosuka last Friday, bringing Tim along with it. :) After an excruciating 2 or so hours of standing outside with Molly (she didn't want to be put down), one of Tim's first classes came out and got me. So we got a semi private reunion in his work center. Probably better than in front of everyone - if you know us, we're a fairly private couple. Homecomings are a bit different here (MUCH less crowded and not everyone comes off together.. Not to mention, no uniforms either), and it's not like everyone else is distracted by their spouse coming off the ship. So not having to hug and kiss him in front of everyone was actually pretty nice. When we finally got to leave (there was a problem with hooking something up on the ship, so it was a looonnnggg time before we actually got to leave), I got to bring him home. It's been wonderful having him home - no matter how short or long it's going to be. We've already gotten into a regular routine, but we all know that won't last. Especially with a forwardly deployed ship.

Living out here has been amazing. Although, honestly, I think the trash is the hardest part. (worse than our only 5 closets.. Yes, that's the ONLY storage we have - 5 closets). Your trash is separated basically into 5 different pick ups.. And before you throw anything away, you have to clean and dry it. fuuunnn times. haha It's been tough to get used to, but it's not as bad as I was thinking it would be. :) I just wish I could figure out the group resource day (more like bulk items pick up). We have trash pick up 4-5 days a week, and every day is a different pick up (although burnables are twice a week). I'm getting used to it, but I'm always sooo unsure if I'm throwing things in the right place.. hehe We have a wonderful view of Mt. Fuji on clear days, although part of our gorgeous view is now being blocked by a house being built next door.. It's a bummer, but it won't take away from the water or Fuji.. lol :)

Kadie had a field trip to the Kanazawa Zoo yesterday, and we had a lot of fun going to that. Pictures from it will be coming along shortly. :)

That's about it here. We're settling in, and I'm trying really hard to get everything done. I want the front of the house organized and clean by this weekend. We'll see if it happens, but it's what I want. Then I can tackle the bedrooms...

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