Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Sorry I haven't been posting. I was regular there for a few days.. LOL Honestly, though, it's just been that not much has been happening. So much so, that I haven't even thought to myself, hey, I need to blog about this. Well, except maybe that Molly finally sat on her potty seat (not that she went, she had her diaper one still). Yup. It's been that boring.
Mostly, we've just been hanging around the house, not doing much. We have been doing stuff with friends, but like I said, it's mostly just the three of us. Poor Kadie, this has to be the most boring Summer on record for her.

On Sunday, we went to a friend's house. We had plans to go out into town in search of that ever so elusive fabric store. Well, we decided that hey, since it wasn't far from her house to the gate, we'd walk. Good idea! A little walking won't kill you. Boy was I wrong. Little did I know that the heat stress flags had been raised to black on Friday. Kadie was doing AWFUL by just a block or so away from her house. By time we got to the NEX, she could barely walk. Thank goodness for good friends - she actually walked back to her house to get her car so we didn't have to walk Kadie back or take a cab. Thank goodness too - she really could barely walk, every time we stopped, she'd sit down.. And then in the hallway to her apartment, Kadie started dry heaving. :( Poor thing. To top it off, our friend's one year old son was just floppy as a noodle. :( Poor guy. They all perked up inside of the nice, cool air conditioned house. So that really helped.
See? Boring. So boring that she's asleep.. At 5 in the evening..

Sooo.. That story was to explain the REALLY boring Summer. Yup. Really boring. It's too hot for the girls to do ANYTHING outdoors for any length of time. This actually includes trips to the beach. :( We are used to spending our summers out by the pool and the beach. Oh and to top it off, San Diego is having a COLD Summer. Yup.. It was in the 60s there today. Ugh - you guys suck there BTW. I miss it a lot. I love it here, but I miss my SD weather. So, instead, we've been doing everything we can indoors. My girls are itching to play outside, so much so that when an emergency happened today (search and rescue were called out), they actually sat on the deck and watched. Yup... They ran around the deck while I took video, pictures, and chatted with our neighbor about what was happening.. (and the people who lived here before us who were apparently quite loud and we're quite.. haha we're very quiet. who knew)!

They had set up an emergency command station type thing.You could see them looking out into the water with binoculars.

Yokosuka Search and Rescue. They were the second ones there (there's a police car about 10 yards forward). They are getting out their scuba gear..

You can see here how many more emergency vehicles there ended up being, and how traffic was building up.

All of this went on for about an hour or so, and then stopped. They just packed up and left. No one ever went into the water, no one ever came out either. So I don't know what happened, but it was interesting to watch.. Oh and I almost forgot..

Yup.. They had a helicopter too. It was so close and loud enough that BOTH girls had their hands over their ears.. So much for a boring evening.

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