Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mikasa Park

So apparently, I deprive my children of experiences.. LOL For those of you that don't know, Mikasa Park is a memorial park that's just outside of the gates. (It's about a 10 minute walk with children). In the 6 months that we've been here, we apparently haven't taken the girls there. Kadie went on and on about how this was her first time there. LOL The Japanese ship Mikasa is behind the girls in the picture.

We took them on Sunday after Tim got off from duty. The girls had a great time. :) There will be more pictures on my facebook, but seeing as how I need to get laundry done, for now, you guys get these two pics. :)

Oh and for those wondering... My hand is doing MUCH better. Thanks for the inquiries. :) It's healed over so there's nothing open anymore. The skin is still pretty thin, so I can't submerge it for long, but it's getting stronger every day. I'm also getting more feeling in my finger every day, so that's nice as well! Hence the mountains of laundry I have to get through!


  1. Did you guys get to see the dancing water show there? I wanna go there again before it gets to cold. :)

  2. We did.. Everyone but Kadie was pretty bored.. haha :P We went looking for a cache, but it's gone. I was pretty annoyed by that. LOL
