Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I know I haven't been posting much information lately. Hey now though, at least I'm posting anything! :) Anyhoot, to be quite frank, we're having some attitude problems with Kadie. What's funny is that while venting to a friend today, she really pointed out something that made me realize that we're dealing with a teen in the house. Sure she doesn't have the "teen" horomones, but the things she's saying and doing are SO teenage. (I don't love her, she doesn't like herself very much, no one likes her, everything is everyone else's fault). I'm sure most of it is normal for a 7 year old, but it's driving me near insane. Therefore, I just don't really feel much like posting. Instead, I'm posting pictures here and there, bear with me until I get this figured out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always here if you need to vent! I may not always have helpful advice but I have a dang good ear, good coffee and wine if the occasion is THAT serious. ; ) You guys will get this figured out with Kadie, you're great parents.
