Sunday, January 2, 2011

A look at Palau... (Tim)

The plan from square one has been for both Sarah and I to contribute our experiences and such, which I haven't done so far. So here goes nuthin'....

Republic of PALAU

              Where is Palau? Palau is a chain of islands South East from the Philippines. I'm not going to lie, I had to look it up on Google Earth and I've been there. The picture above is probably my favorite from the trip.

              A few short days in Palau are more than enough to experience most of the adventures one can have on a small island. Snorkelling, kayaking, swimming, (insert other aquatic activities here), it's all part of the relaxing and esthetically pleasing feel of Palau... unfortunately, there's not much more than that (at least, from my experience).

Building relations via COMREL (Community Relations) projects 
We do a lot of little things in other countries to show that we are good sports, and I had the opportunity to take part in one of these projects. Our mission: paint the administration building for the local high school. Yeah, I know... I've always said I'm a over-paid janitor! Here are the pics...

Of course all big projects will eventually lead to a big lunch. Luckily we had an army representative who had been on the island for some time before we arrived and he had the inside scoop on a home made barbeque business a half mile or so down the road in a picnic area. On certain days of the week she starts cooking up lunch and people flock in. We were told she doesn't have a closing time, she just goes until she sells out... and she always does.

Another note about Palau:  Stray dogs litter the island. Lucky for this pooch, some of the group had been
willing to give up what they couldn't finish.

Walking along the main road, we found a few things of interest....

Creepy, huh?

This was some sort of shrine... I don't know how it relates exactly but its also along the main road.

Houses down below the main road. Some of the houses we saw were pretty nice by our standards, while others had the island shack feel.

Probably the most original item on our venture down the main road... Its a memorial and a reminder of the toll drunk driving can take on a small community. I don't know how much attention locals pay to it on a daily basis, but it caught our eye.

Just a shot of the "bar" where you first land on shore.

Another favorite pic from the "trip"

Okay, one last favorite... needless to say, this had been the best picture trip I've had.

Until next time!


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