Thursday, March 25, 2010

Really.. Not much..



This is pretty much what's been going on for the past two days.

We haven't been doing a lot, mostly because of the weather and Tim's work schedule. Meaning, he went back to work. lol We were going to go to storytime yesterday at the library, but this is what was going on at 10:10 when the bus came by that would get us to the library on time. Later, we went to the mini NEX over here, but that's about it. The weather has really forced us to stay inside.


See? It's so cold that the windows are frosting inside - I don't know if I've ever seen that.. LOL

Thus, I've been forced to take pictures of random things it the wake of boredom...

This is the bathtub faucet.. It's a lot less confusing than it looks.. Ok, tell me that again the next time that I turn on the shower and shoot myself while fully dressed with the nozzle that's aimed at me. The poor toilet paper never saw it coming..


Oh.. If you've talked to me about the differences between here and the States, you know I've mentioned that the water drains in the opposite direction!! So you can kind of see it here, but this is the best I can do!


Kadie has started to learn Japanese..


She could tell you how to say "boy" "girl" "hello" or "excuse me". Some of it we've taught her.. I think she might know more than she's letting on, but it's all good. :) At least she's learning.

Today, we talked to an agent about finding a house. She found a place for us, but we can't see it until Monday - I don't know if we can wait that long. lol Otherwise, we headed out to register Kadie for school and get a PO Box. We accomplished both tasks. Getting to the school wasn't so bad, the post office on the other hand, was HORRIBLE. The walk to the school from the bus stop is about a block or so. It was wonderful at that point - little wind and light rain. By time we got in front of the school, the story was a little different, but still doable.

Kadie is officially registered, and happy about it. We are too - the school seems amazing, maybe even better than our beloved Silver Gate. They have a wonderful technology program - EIGHT computers in every classroom! I'm shocked about that one. They even teach the children Japanese and Spanish - that amazes me.. two languages? Best of all - the schedule is the same as what we are already used to! School starts early and gets out early! LOVE it! Except maybe next week where I need to figure out where she's going to go after school before we get out of AOB. Oh well, we're going to go to MWR tomorrow to see if we can get her in any after school programs/care and to see if I can find a job here. Oh yeah, you read right - I'm looking for a job. YAY!!!

After we fell in love with this school, we headed out to the post office. Not a long walk right? Well, when you are trying to squish 4 people under one umbrella, it is. Especially when one refuses to walk with you. Joy. So if she gets sick, not my fault - I tried! We finally got to the post office only to find out that the ONE person who can open new boxes isn't there - he's at the hospital. During working hours, really? Great. So we're about to leave and someone else apparently can do it, we get one opened - find out the guy at the hospital is attending to his baby! Ok, now I feel bad for being angry about it. hehe Oh well. E-mail Tim or myself if you want our address here. We finally have one! So braving the cold and rain was worth it.. Even if Molly's hands turned bright red due to the exposure. Ok, so Molly's weren't the only ones (guilty as well). I guess we just need to toughen up huh?

So I'm leaving you with one last picture - I still can't figure out where Spring is and what happened to it, but I can see signs of it.. Sakura is starting to bloom amongst the cold and the rain. You can kind of see it in this picture - I just hope it's more Spring-like than Winter on Sunday for the festival!


Can you see the pink and white amongst the gray of the rain?


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